I'm back!! How long I can't tell you but it's good to be back though, I need to take a break from reality sometimes. If you don't know by now, Netflix is releasing a new She-Ra series on the 13th of November. I saw the review of the show and to be honest, I'm not really feeling it. Perhaps I'm being biased, thinking that the original is better than remade shows. By today's standards, animation from She-Ra and even He-man are really not that great but what made both shows memorable were the many adventures with the siblings and their friends and the morals at the end of each show. There were even adult themes such as death as in one episode where He-man accidentally killed a man and the reality of the war between the rebels and the Horde in one of She-ra's episodes, "Price of Freedom." One thing I got from both shows was female empowerment but the difference with the new series is the diversity of many characters especially various skin color and sizes, whereas in the original series, many characters are white with a few characters of color and they're either muscular as in the case of the men and curvy, yet slim for women. Maybe it just me, but I thought that She-Ra was the adult manifestation of teenage Adora, similar to her twin brother Adam with his alter ego He-man. What I've got from the new show was simply a young teenager trying to figure out her destiny without any backstory compared to the original series.
Also, I think they're trying to infantilize the series to appeal to younger audiences, similar to the new Thundercats series which quite frankly cannot be compared to the original, especially with the badass intro. This was also not the first time that She-Ra was making a comeback. In 2002, She-was to appear in the new He-man and The Masters of The Universe but sadly the show was canceled after the second season. The new He-man series itself was groundbreaking and a bit dark with its more in-depth characters and we also got a chance to look at Eternia's past including the introduction of He-man's and She-ra's ancestor, King Grayskull. Had they continue the show, it would just be as interesting as the He-man series. I might take a look at the show but my gut tells me that I wouldn't like it. Maybe it'll appeal to the younger audiences but I think it lacks originality and depth just like other cartoons today. I also wished that cartoonists, writers, etc stop remaking original shows and be more creative. That's why I missed the 80's and 90's; the shows and cartoons were groundbreaking and fun to watch. Now, I think they're trying too hard and miss the mark. Check out the intro for the new and the original She-Ra series and enjoy.
*Photos courtesy ew.com, youtube, and twitter.
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